If you've forgotten your password, click Forgot your password? on the login page to have a temporary password sent to your email address.
To protect the information of our users, we remove accounts that have been inactive for the last 18 months. If you haven’t logged in to your online services account in the last 18 months, it may have been removed due to inactivity, and you will have to sign up again. Click Sign up on the login page.
If you're still unable to log in, please call our Technical Support team at 604.276.3135 or 1.888.855.2477 (Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PT) or email ehelp@worksafebc.com.
If you've forgotten your password, click Forgot your password? on the login page. We will send you an email containing a link to reset your password. This link will expire in 12 hours. If you don’t see an email from us, please check your junk or spam folders.
If you can’t access a particular online tool after logging in, it may be due to one of the following reasons:
If you're still having issues accessing an online tool, please call our Technical Support team at 604.276.3135 or 1.888.855.2477 (Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PT).
1: Log in to your account.
2: Click My profile at the top of the screen (on a mobile device, click the three lines in the top right of your screen, then click My profile).
3: Click Change my login email.
Please note that changing your email address on your online services profile will update your login email address only. If you would like to change your email address associated with your account or claim, please contact us.
1: Log in to your account.
2: Click My profile at the top of the screen (on a mobile device, click the three lines in the top right of your screen, then click My profile).
3: Click Change my password.
1: Log in to your account.
2: Click My profile at the top of the screen (on a mobile device, click the three lines in the top right of your screen, then click My profile).
3: Click Delete my online services profile.
Please note that this will remove your access to all online services. This process may take up to one business day.
To verify your email address or reset your password, you’ll be sent an email with a verification link. If you don’t see this email in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.
This verification link will expire in 12 hours. If 12 hours have passed since you received the link, please re-create an online services account. You can use the same email address when you re-create your account.
If you’re unable to click the verification link, you may have local mail rules or security settings that filter links.
If the verification link isn’t working, please try to copy and paste the link:
1: In the email requesting you to verify your email address, right click Verify my email address and select Copy hyperlink.
2: In your web browser, right click in the address bar and select Paste, then press the Enter key.
To change mail rules or security settings, you’ll need to follow different steps depending on whether you’re the administrator (e.g., it’s a personal email address) or someone else is (e.g., it’s a work email address).
If someone else is your email administrator:
1: Please contact your email administrator to add the tenant URL to the allow or safe sender list. This is your Exchange/Outlook administrator if you are using Outlook.
2: Settings will vary between email clients. Provide the following information to your administrator:
If you’re the email administrator:
1: Add ehelp@worksafebc.com to your safe sender list.
2: Here’s an example of that process in Hotmail:
An administrator is someone who has full access to all online information for an account and/or claim. They can perform various online activities on behalf of a firm or person including:
1: Log in to your account.
2: Click Access my… at the top of the screen (on a mobile device, click the three lines in the top right of your screen , then click Access my…).
3: Select your account type.
4: Enter your
5: Choose the Request access from an administrator option and click Continue.
6: You will see a list of the administrators for your account that you can contact.
If you are not an administrator for your account:
1: Log in to your account.
2: Click My profile at the top of the screen (on a mobile device, click the three lines in the top right of your screen, then click My profile).
3: Click Request a change in my access to online tools.
4: Follow the prompts on screen and your access administrator will receive an email to process your request.
5: Click Close to return to the main page.
If you are the administrator for your account:
1: Log in to your account.
2: Click For administrators at the top of the screen (on a mobile device, click the three lines in the top right of your screen, then click For administrators).
3: Click Change my or another user's access to online tools.
4: Select yourself and follow the prompts on screen.
5: Click Close to return to the main page, and your changes will be implemented.
If you are not an administrator for your account:
1: Log in to your account.
2: Click My profile at the top of the screen (on a mobile device, click the three lines in the top right of your screen, then click My profile).
3: Click Request a change in my access to online tools.
4: Select the changes you'’d like to make , and click Continue. Your administrator(s) will receive a notification to process your request.
5: Click Close to return to the main page.
If you are an administrator for your account:
1: Log in to your account.
2: Click For administrators at the top of the screen (on a mobile device, click the three lines in the top right of your screen, then click For administrators ).
3: Click one of these options:
4: Click Continue. (You may need to scroll down to see the Continue button.)
5: Click Close to return to the main page.
You must be an administrator to grant another user access to your account.
1: Log in to your account.
2: Click For administrators at the top of the screen (on a mobile device, click the three lines in the top right of your screen, then click For administrators).
3: Click Grant access to another user and follow the prompts on the page. Note that if the user you are trying to add does not have an online services profile, you will be prompted to make one for them.
You must be an administrator to change another user’s administration access.
1: Log in to your account.
2: Click For administrators at the top of the screen (on a mobile device, click the three lines in the top right of your screen, then click For administrators).
3: Click Manage administrators and follow the prompts on the page.
If the "Administrator" checkbox is unchecked, it means the user is not currently an administrator for the account. Check the box if you’d like to make them an administrator.
If the "Administrator" checkbox is checked, the user is an administrator. Uncheck the box if you’d like to remove their administrator access.
You must be an administrator to customize an account name. Customizing an account name will change how it appears on your online services account. This is helpful if you have access to multiple accounts.
Please note that changing an account name will change it for all users who have access to this online account.
1: Log in to your account.
2: Click For administrators at the top of the screen (on a mobile device, click the three lines in the top right of your screen, then click For administrators).
3: Click Customize account name.
4: Select the account you wish to customize.
5: Enter your customized account name.
Customizing your account name will not change the information we have on file; this will only affect how your online account name appears on the main page of online services.
1: Log in to your account.
2: Click My profile at the top of the screen (on a mobile device, click the three lines in the top right of your screen, then click My profile).
3: Click Update my online services profile.
4: Follow the prompts under "Do you wish to update your two-factor authentication preferences?" based on the update you wish to make.
You'll need to link My Employer Services to your online profile. This will give you access to information and tools related to your insurance account, health and safety records, and any claims.
1: If you haven’t already, create your online profile by clicking the Sign up button on the log in page and following the prompts.
2: Log in to your online services account.
3: Scroll down and click the blue button labelled Access my WorkSafeBC account.
4: Enter your WorkSafeBC account number and click Continue.
5: Every online services account requires at least one administrator. What displays next depends on whether the account already has an online administrator:
If you successfully provide either the account's payroll report ID or Internet Application Reference Number, you'll see a success message. Once you click Continue, the page will refresh, and you'll have access to your firm’s online account.
Yes. Fast File and Pay is still available.
However, if you would like to see your transaction history, pay by direct debit, change your address, or access other advanced features in addition to reporting your payroll and/or making a payment, you must add My Employer Services to your profile.
1: Log in to your online account.
2: Under the Insurance tab, go to Contact details. Click Change my address.
3: Select "Update your address and email communication preferences" and click Continue.
4: Make the necessary changes and click Submit.
You'll need to link My Worker Services to your online account. This will give you access to information about your claim and the ability to request a reimbursement, set up direct deposit, download a claim file disclosure, and more.
Before you start, you'll need your:
1: If you haven’t already, create your online profile by clicking the Sign up button on the login page and following the prompts.
2: Log in to your online services profile
3: Scroll down and click the blue button labelled Access my claim.
4: Enter your Customer Care number and click Continue.
5: Every online services account requires at least one administrator. What displays next depends on whether the account already has an online administrator.
If you successfully provide your Personal Access number, you’ll see a success message. Once you click Continue, you’ll have access to your claim information online.
You’ll find your Personal Access number in the letter we mailed you that introduces our online services. If you can’t locate this letter or your PAN, please contact the Claims Call Centre at 604.231.8888 or toll-free at 1.888.967.5377 for assistance.
To update most contact information (such as your name or email address), please contact the Claims Call Centre at 604.231.8888 or toll-free at 1.888.967.5377 for assistance.
To update your mailing address or phone number, you can call the numbers above or log in to your online services account and select the "Contact information" tile. If you don't see this tile, ensure you've added My Worker Services to your account.
You'll need to link My Provider Services to your online account. This will give you the ability to submit documents and invoices on your business's behalf, view the status of submitted invoices, and more.
Before you start, you'll need your:
1: If you haven’t already, create your online profile by clicking the Sign up button on the login page and following the prompts.
2: Log in to your online account.
3: Scroll down and click the blue button labelled Access my provider account.
4: Enter your WorkSafeBC or MSP payee number and click Continue.
5: Every online services account requires at least one administrator. What displays next depends on whether the account already has an online administrator.
If you successfully provide an injured worker's claim number and last name, you will see a success message. Once you click Continue, the page will refresh, and you will have access to your firm's provider account.
Repeat the same steps you used to add the first WorkSafeBC payee number to your online account.
If you have an MSP payee number, you can use it as your WorkSafeBC payee number and view payment history. If you wish to submit invoices online, you will need a WorkSafeBC payee number.
You may request a temporary payee number if you meet all these criteria:
Most providers will be able to view payments, view invoice status, view claim status, and submit invoices, among other things. However, there are a few exceptions. The following providers can’t bill for services through the My Provider Services portal at this time:
If you’re one of these providers, please continue to bill using your current process (e.g., Teleplan, fax/mail). Note that you can view your invoice status and history using My Provider Services.
Please contact our Procurement Services team procurement@worksafebc.com to request any changes to your provider information (e.g., name, address, phone number, ownership).
Please contact the Industrial Audiometric Support at 604.276.3231 or toll-free at 1.844.676.3231 for assistance.